Imperial Guard Regiment Name Generator

Imperial Guard Regiment Name Generator Rating: 4,1/5 2226 votes

Regiment Origin

Regiment Classification

The two nations went to war, and this is the origin of the regiment. The 3rd Republican Fleet, consisting of 2 battleships, 1 aerospace drone tender (CV), and 4 troopships were sent in early in the conflict to stabilize the border, and repel an initial landing on a Republic world. Gabriel is a master diplomat and cunning manipulator of Imperial bureaucracy and has managed to turn the Tartarus Blood Guard into something that looks suspiciously like a private army.

Roll: (d10)

(1-4)Imperial Guard: A true regiment, drilled and competent in their service.

My sims 3 takes forever to save! It was saving all night, this has happened several times its really annoying. The last expansion pack i installed was Movie Stuff. Ever since I downloaded and installed this it happens all the time. I downloaded and installed most of my expansion packs straight from. My sims 3 game won't save, when I go to click save from the options menu, it brings up the saving screen, and then takes 2-3 hours to save before I give up and quit. Even if I go into task manager it says that the game is running! What's wrong? Sims 3 taking forever to save video. My sims 3 game won't save, when I go to click save from the options menu, it brings up the saving screen, and then takes 2-3 hours to save before I give up and quit. Even if I go into task manager it says that the game is running! I know this post is a few months old, but I have come across this problem just today. I've been playing the game since it was first released and I have never had any issues with Sims 3 gameplay and it seems that lately more and more issues keep arising, not being able to save has now become my biggest concern.

(5-6)Planetary Defense Force: What the Guard doesn't want, the PDF will take.

(7-8)Penal Legion: Scum, criminals, murderers. Watch them closely.

(9)Militia: Brave enough to defend their world without training or equipment.

(10)Navy Armsmen: Experts in void-combat, they'll defend the ship or take the enemy's.

Regiment Demographic

Recruitment Criteria

Roll: (d100)

(1-15)Volunteer: Only the braves (of which there are plenty) join this Regiment.

(16-25)Veterans: Taken from the 'best' of the PDF, this Regiment somehow knows less about battle than most.

(26-30)Caste-born: Raised from birth in the warrior caste.

(31-35)Nobility: Bought their commission for honor and glory.

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(36-40)Priesthood: They venerate the God-Emperor in his soldier aspect.

(41-45)Abhumans: Ratlings, Ogryn, and other such useful creatures.

(46-50)Tribespeople: All you have to do is teach them which way the gun points.

(51-55)Lottery: Selection by the God-Emperor's grace, and a little luck.

(56-60)Spacers: Born on asteroids, off-world hab-stations, or the vessels of the Imperial Navy. (If Navy Armsmen was rolled, this may be taken as default)

(61-65)Firstborn: Chosen by right of being the eldest child.

(66-70)Vat-grown: No families to complain, no friends to consider.

(71-85)Gangers: They fought each other in the slums, now they fight a true enemy. (If Penal Legion was rolled, this may be taken as default)

(86-95)Convicts: Serving their sentence on the front lines, the slime. (If Penal Legion was rolled, this may be taken as default)

(96-100)Roll d3+1 times on this chart.

Nature of Recruitment

Roll: (d10)

(1)Punishment/Redemption/Recycling: Recruits are gathered from the dregs of society. (If Gangers, Convicts, or Lottery was rolled on demographic table, you may select this by default)

(2-4)Elite tithe: The best of the best of the planet were recruited for this regiment. (If caste-born or nobility was rolled on demographic table, you may select this by default

(5-10)Standard conscription: Average or above-average citizens recruited from all levels of society. (If Volunteers, Firstborn, or Lottery was rolled on the demographic table, you may select this by default)

Regiment Homeworld

Home World

Roll: (d100)

(1-25)Hive World: No claustrophobia, excellent sense of direction? Urban combat!

(26-40)Feral World: They fight like wild animals in the Skyfather's name.

(41-55)Death World: For these people, life was a war before they could speak.

(56-60)Forge World: Blessed by the Omnissiah to carry His light across the Galaxy.

(61-70)Imperial World: Devout citizens, loyal to the Imperium and raised by the Creed.

(71-80)Civilized World: Soft as clay before the firing of the kiln; war is their crucible.

(81-90)Shrine World: They charge into battle eagerly, and their very prayers are warcries.

(91-100)Home World Lost: Ghosts do not fear death, but they seek life with a terrible fury.

Home World Predominant Terrain

Roll: (d100)

(1-25)Jungle: Masters of stealth and inured to disease.

(26-50)Desert: At home in sun, sand and wind.

(51-60)Ice: Cold-blooded, with hearts of fire.

(61-65)Ocean: They grew up in the dangers of the depths.

(66-75)Wasteland: Excellent scavengers and hardy survivors.

(76-80)Urban: Good soldiers, once you get the cityboy out of the city. (if hiveworld is the homeworld type this can be choosen)

Imperial guard regiment name generator parts

(81-85)Dead World: Able to make full use of the technology required to survive in such places.

(86-90)Airless: They don't fear the void like most.

(91-100)Agriworld: Sturdy, hard-working types, glad to be off the farm.

Regiment Tactical Information

Regiment Core Units

Roll: (d100)

(1-35)Infantry Regiment

(36-45)Light Infantry

(46-55)Heavy Infantry

(56-70)Mechanized Infantry





(96-99)Shock Troopers



Roll: (d10)

(1)Drill & Discipline


(3)Stealth Warfare

(4)Lightning Strike

(5)Trench Warfare

(6)Close Combat

(7)Ranged Combat

(8)Shock & Awe

(9)Guerrilla Warfare

(10)Hive Warfare

Loyalty Rating

Roll (d10)

(1)Overzealous: need to be actively held back from giving their lives for the Emperor

(2-3)Fanatical: No remorse, no retreat, no fear.

(4-5)Adherent: Hold fast to the Creed and His will.

(6-7)Undisciplined: Will follow the Emperor but don't expect them to bow to authority figures.

(8-9)Unorthodox: Serve the Emperor in ways frowned upon by most in the Administratum.

(10)Heretical: This regiment has abandoned the truth of the Emperor.

Special Equipment

Roll: (d100)

(1-10)Traditional Weapon

(11-20)War Trophies

(21-30)Specialized Lasgun Pattern

(31-40)Exotic Mounts

(41-50)Rare Heavy Weapon

(51-60)Blessed Wargear

(61-70)Augmented Troops

(71-80)Special Vehicle

(81-90)Preferred Fighting Style

(91-100)Modified Weaponry

Regiment Creed

Roll: (d100)

(1-40)For The Homeworld: This regiment's mission is to demonstrate the skill and steel of the homeworld to the rest of the Imperium.

(41-65)For the Emperor: Fervent belief in the Imperial cult and the righteous mission of the Imperium fuels this regiment.

(66-75)Best of the Best: The regiment believes itself to be elite and constantly strives to prove itself.

(76-80)Glory In Death: The regiment's mission is to die, and take as many enemies with it as possible.

(81-85)We Must Repent: The regiment believes it is on a mission to pay for their homeworld's sins with blood.

(86-90)Tribal Faiths: This regiment is beholden to primitive beliefs. If from a civilized world, clannish practices from hive gang cultures or other such traditions predominate.

(91-95)Steel Over Flesh: This regiment believes the way to victory is through machine augmentation.

(96-100)Esoteric Beliefs

Regiment Relations

Regiment Friends

Roll: (d100)


(6-15)Adeptus Arbites

(16-30)Adeptus Astartes (a specific chapter)

(31-35)Scholastia Psykana

(36-45)Adeptus Mechanicus

(46-50)Adepta Sororitas

(51-55)Adeptus Titanicus


(61-75)Imperial Guard (of a specific world)

(76-83)Imperial Navy


(86-88)Navis Nobilite (Navigators)

(89-91)Officio Assassinorum

(92-93)PDF (of a specific world)

(94-98)Rogue Trader Dynasty

(99)Schola Progenium

(100)League of Blackships

Regiment Enemies

Roll: (d100)

(1-2)Roll on the 'Regiment Friends' table.




(52-68)Chaos Space Marines

(69-79)Daemon Prince/Daemon/other specific disciple of Chaos

(80-87)Specific Chaos-aligned group

(88-96)Dark Eldar

(97--100)Other Xenos. See below.

Minor Xenos Species/Empires

Roll: (d100)

(1-10)Tau Empire (alternatively, you may select a particular Tau force or leader)



(31-40)Uluméathic League

(41-50)Yu'vath/Legacy of the Yu'vath/Rak'gol









(93-95)Cythor Fiends

(96-97)Nightmare-Engines of the Pale Wasting

(98-100)Other Xenos Species (pick one or roll/write one up)